Bringing Ideas and Innovations to Life
The future of innovation: research and development
Picture a bustling Sacramento neighborhood. It’s 10 a.m. on a Friday: just a typical morning in a place that is anything but. At the farmer’s market on the corner, a grower introduces a child to his first fresh-picked tomato. Nearby, a student interning at a community planning firm has an epiphany that refocuses his career path as he talks with a mentor about her work in sustainable design. At a café down the street, an engineer, doctor and entrepreneur are having their own lightbulb moments as they brainstorm ideas for launching a biomedical startup. In every direction—in conference rooms, clinics, galleries, maker spaces and labs across the district—inspiration is striking.
Welcome to Aggie Square—where at any given moment, extraordinary ideas are coming to life.
The crossroads of community development and educational opportunities
Life-changing inspiration will be business as usual in Aggie Square—the thriving innovation ecosystem UC Davis is creating in Sacramento. Aggie Square will connect UC Davis ingenuity with industry expertise to build vibrant, resilient communities—from new therapies that bring hope and healing, to education and training programs that create new opportunities for the jobs of the future. Spanning 25 acres on the Sacramento campus, Aggie Square will bring together UC Davis scholars across the disciplines to engage their students in community-based work and collaborations with business and industry. Through their ideas, innovations and partnerships, Aggie Square will become the epicenter of regional vitality and global impact—the nexus where biotech startups, clinics and cutting-edge labs coexist seamlessly with urban marketplaces, cultural venues and interactive learning environments for students of every age and interest.
Bring economic change through community-based partnerships
UC Davis is looking to partner with donors, corporations and foundations to accomplish the following:
- Equip state-of-the-art labs, classrooms and incubator space to propel life sciences and engineering innovation that yields new treatments and cures
- Launch a thriving marketplace that expands access to healthy, locally grown food and enriches community wellness and vitality
- Build residential spaces, support cultural programs and fund lifelong learning initiatives that enhance opportunities to live, learn and work in Aggie Square
We invite the partnership of our alumni and friends in realizing the Aggie Square vision—and realizing the full promise of our communities. Together, we will reinvent our region as a global hub of forward-looking ideas with life-changing impact.