The future of agriculture farming technology and agriculture research. Especially livestock farming and innovative, big ideas from UC Davis Smart Farm.

Advancing Animal Agriculture

A Growing Need for Sustainable Agriculture Methods

As the global population grows, so does the number of livestock and poultry worldwide. Modern farmers require new technology to better care for their animals and steward the environment. Providing individualized animal care is a significant challenge, requiring groundbreaking research and solutions that protect animal health and welfare while ensuring sustainable and safe food for the world.

Agriculture Inventions and Technology Solutions

At Smart Farm, experts will optimize animal-centered care using cutting-edge technologies such as wireless sensors that detect signs of illness in individual cattle by analyzing feeding patterns or microphones that track the movement of chickens and assess their health. Created in partnership with industry, Smart Farm’s innovations—from devices that generate continuous information about animals, to software that analyzes data and alerts ranchers of specific animal needs, to robots that deliver individualized care—will promote highly sustainable animal agriculture systems and call for a new generation of skilled individuals to meet the needs of tomorrow’s farms. Smart Farm will provide students with hands-on opportunities to invent and deploy technologies that will redefine 21st-century animal care and farm management.

Help Drive Agriculture Innovations 

  • Establish Smart Farm’s multi-species Animal Care Facility—a leading-edge center committed to developing, testing and showcasing new solutions for advancing animal care
  • Endow faculty positions in Computer Science for Automated Animal Health Care and SmartSensor Engineering for Automated Animal Health Care and Management
  • Fund state-of-the-art smart machines and equipment to drive innovations in animal agriculture 


UC Davis is committed to harnessing technology to protect and enhance animal health and welfare. We invite the philanthropic partnership of our alumni and friends in transforming on-farm animal care.